What are some things you think tech people presume others know, and know how to do?
It's helpful to take a few steps back from time to time to reassess where we're each coming from on our knowledge of tech (or anything) to better communicate.
I had a coworker get livid when an end user didn’t know what “the start menu” was.
Pointing out that the last version version of Windows to actually say “Start” on the start menu is old enough to drink (XP was released over 22 years ago; mainstream support ended 15 years ago) did not quell his anger.
This is why scammers are so efficient, they adapt to people not knowing things because the people they're targeting don't. They say start menu or button that looks like 4 windows
Now that you mention it...What are we supposed to call that anymore? The...Windows menu, I guess? This reminds me that the "icon-ification" so to speak, of interfaces has made things frustrating for everyone involved since there's no name/label for the icons to rely on to communicate what to click/tap.