No, don't stop building. The problem is rich fucks and their politician friends who won't implement any meaningful rules to curb the behaviour.
I'm a fan of the 'y'all can have one' rules for home ownership.
Anything after the first should come with cumulative tax penalties, +10% to the total value of your property assessment per property should be sufficient to start. So someone with three $1M homes is looking at a property tax bill of 130%.
If we're talking about dreaming, I'd like a world where humans keep to relatively small and dense habitable areas anf leave the rest of the natural world alone
We do legitimately need more housing. The population is always growing. The thing is we need sensible mid rise buildings with 1,000 sq ft 2 bedroom units. The hilarious thing is we could build them fast and cheap using modular techniques but the rent would still be horrendous because of the investors.