James Cameron calls for regulations for tourist subs after Titan disaster
James Cameron calls for regulations for tourist subs after Titan disaster

The filmmaker said OceanGate lacked the ‘rigour and discipline’ required for deep sea exploration

James Cameron calls for regulations for tourist subs after Titan disaster
The filmmaker said OceanGate lacked the ‘rigour and discipline’ required for deep sea exploration
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Don't waste tax money on this. If some rich idiots want to unalive themselves in a can to see some garbage at the bottom of the ocean - let them.
We've already wasted money on them.
Who do you think paid the coast guards and navies of the multiple nationals that conducted the deep sea search for Titan?
Hint: Tax payers.
I don't know about the others, but Coast Guard gets paid regardless. These events justify their budget. It wasn't an "extra cost" to the taxpayers.
....please leave 'unalive' on places like tik tok.
I was using it satirically and I honestly think that's where this word is going. I find it fascinating though - it's absolutely meaningless but it also sounds safe and incredibly artificial. It's full of these paradoxical features that make this word really fun. I'd invest meme points into it tbh.
It's too late man it's now apart of the modern language. Insert Abe Simpson "I used to be hip.." meme.
It really only is, for the most part, on places like tik tok and youtube where the word 'dead' is banned. And it occasionally slips out into normal society but....just...no.
Contrary to popular belief the word "dead" is not banned on tiktok or youtube. Do people really think that the censor can be tricked by a synonym a 5 yeard old could come up with?
Real argument is to protect people with trauma as seeing "dead" can be a trigger but even then it doesn't make much sense as it's the same word - just spelled differently. The only way this would work if we come up with new word for "death" every few months before our brains re-asocciate the synonyms but that's absurdly impractical and impossible to implement. I do think it's an interesting language phenomena tho and is fun to explore.
Now that I look yeah..your right. I fell for interwebs bullshit. But completely agree on you about the constant changing of words. And going going back to the original though....if you are so triggered by the word dead/death...im sorry but you just need to learn to live with that. Society cant abandon such incredibly basic words because of people like that.
I don't know, but to me "suicide" and "kill" seem like the words that would've been banned. Not "dead".
I think the slippage is going to increase. It's a full word not like "LOL", people will say it IRL.
I've never heard someone say it irl yet.
Until then
like 8 years ago i worked with this girl who would fucking say hashtag. like someone would say something really crazy and she would be like "hashtag really?"
I.....really hated her....
I teach middle school. During the school year, I heard it two dozen times daily.
It's getting tiresome already.
I'll be honest, I don't think that's a sensible approach. Yes, it's billionaires offing themselves, sure. But regulations are quite important, in particular in sensible and critical areas like this.
If they also protect some billionaires that's an unfortunate side effect, but overall these regulations would be very good to have. The rise of venture capitalist attitude outside of IT is only going to get worse, so the sooner we can establish rules against that the better.
Could you expand on why? Surely there must be more important areas to spend resource to regulate than protecting some rich people hobbie that only few people per year partake in. It would cost millions of dollars to regulate something like this effectively. The only argument I can think off is that it could cost less to regulate than to "save and rescue" these idiots but save and rescue is not a pro bono service for the most part either. They or their insurance will have to cover the costs of this.
Human life has value, even when they're people you don't like.
dunno man the whole thing is a bit absurd. At the same time literally over 400 people drowned trying to escape poverty. It's really hard to care for this particular human value when there's this massive injustice. Reality is we don't have infinite resources and attention - we should direct it more efficiently than this.
I was this close to agreeing with you and then I remembered there was a kid on that sub, and now I’m thinking this was a really shitty thing to say.
A kid and a researcher who made regular trips to document the flora growing on the site.
Technically an adult. But yeah, he's the one victim I feel sorry for.
The thing is that it's not a binary on/off issue it's resource distribution issue. Why should we collectively spend absurd amount of resources to protect this extremely small entertainment niche when there are literally people dying from preventable issues. I'm not an utalitarian but it's really hard not to agree with their philosophy when you see events like this: rich people die in some absurd hobby and we spend more protecting them than hundreds of poor people literally drowning at the same time trying to escape unlivable poverty conditions. Like, I'm sorry man, but maybe you should redirect your anger there.