I got into politics more deeply than ever, going door to door for bernie back in '16. The verdict by the judge in 17 saying the DNC is a private entity caused me to no longer believe in the Dem's primary process. The way HRC's campaign wanted to control both her and trump coverage in the media, the podesta emails, and that whole related scandal really put a beat down on my whole belief system.
So i kept reading and thinking and adjusting my political worldview and here i am, arguing it on a small forum on the web (or cynically working tirelessly to helpTrump win, depending on your pov)
Oh yeah, but you can't overestimate how much prop we get shoved down our throats. Kinda like McDs you don't realize how shit it is for your system until you stop eating it daily
i don't judge you for it, not really. i have friends who voted for hillary, and friends who voted for biden, and, hell, i voted for shapiro for AG ***AND*** governor even though i thought his AG term made him out to be a liar and a cop.
i'm not voting for him for president, though. fuck that.