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What’s next for Mozilla?


What's next for Mozilla?

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What’s next for Mozilla?

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What’s next for Mozilla?

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  • I'm afraid that if AI ends up being just a fad, Mozilla won't be able to recover from this bet.

    • I don't think AI will be a fad in the same way blockchain/crypto-currency was. I certainly think there's somewhat of a hype bubble surrounding AI, though - it's the hot, new buzzword that a lot of companies are mentioning to bring investors on board. "We're planning to use some kind of AI in some way in the future (but we don't know how yet). Make cheques out to please"

      I do think AI does have actual, practical uses, though, unlike blockchain which always came off as a "solution looking for a problem". Like, I'm a fairly normal person and I've found good uses for AI already in asking it various questions where it gives better answers than search engines, in writing code for me (I can't write code myself), etc. Whereas I've never touched anything to do with crypto.

      AI feels like a space that will continue to grow for years, and that will be implemented into more and more parts of society. The hype will die down somewhat, but I don't see AI going away.

    • It's not. It's massively expensive though. There's money pouring into it because it's the next big thing. Eventually, the companies that can afford to consistently power a massive LLM learning server farm will be the ones to keep going, the rest will flounder, get acquired, or disappear. Mozilla isn't a big enough fish and won't get acquired. AI is not a fad, but it's not a sustainable business model for a company like Mozilla so I hope all their eggs aren't going in that basket.

      • Hell I think there's a solid argument to be made that it's not even a sustainable model for the biggest players. As it stands they're offering remarkably little functionality for how much it costs them. On the other hand, mozillas work in this space up until now has largely been on bringing previously unimaginable functionality to locally hosted open source models and datasets. And that does look to be a sustainable business model.

    • I was very sceptical towards the recent hypes (space exploration, cryptocurencies, self driving cars, ...) which turned out to be fads but this time ... this time I'm going to guess it isn't going to be a fad. Well it depends what we imagine by "AI" - will you have a robot pal like in movie I Robot or AI Artificial Intelligence? Probably not. Will AI predictions and learning be put into majority of programms and quite clever AI voice-assistants will appear like in movie Her? Yeah, I guess this could happen. My main reasons are:

      1. It actually isn't that difficult, machine learning isn't new and very theoretically speaking, as long as you have enough computation power, nothing is stopping you. Like at the moment I can't think of any limit
      2. Laws to stop it would be very difficult. You cannot just say "No AI!", I mean people can run it at home, how do you want to stop it? Which leads me to other point
      3. The OpenSource community had also made progress in the area
      4. Major players are heavily investing into it