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You probably don't need a VPN You probably don't need a VPN

Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs, are popular services for (supposedly) increasing your security and privacy on the internet. They are often marketed as all-encompassing security tools, and something that you absolutely need to keep hackers at bay. However, many of the selling points for VPNs are e...

You probably don't need a VPN

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  • Well, that article was a hot mess.

    I appreciate the authors effort and they are correct about lack of "what is VPN" articles that are not written by VPN-vendors in marketing purpose. But I'm not sure if this was it.

    Writing an article meant to "debunk" misconceptions and getting two core concepts, Security and Privacy mixed up right from the start wasn't very good.

    A lot of time was spent on explaining HTTPS and how it somehow magically makes you and your data secure on the Internet and it completely missed to mention who the potential threat actors thwarted by HTTPS are?

    Could have probably used a chapter on how actual threats (both security and privacy) work and how don't have much to do with the level of encryption your TCP/IP connection happens to encapsulate.

    The last chapter with the first 3 bullets was pretty good though. That could have just been the whole article and it would have been alright.

    Oh well. Attempt was made.