What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash?
For me, there were several dollar store trinkets that already broke, and one toy for my kids that was a huge sparkly styrofoam mess waiting to happen, so I threw it out rather than curse anyone else with it.
You can get a new top with metal gears for cheap from their website. This thing is a tank and will never need to be replaced. Also for clean up it gets wiped out with a paper towel when cool, and placed back on the kitchen rack. Whirley-Pops are awesome. Simple does not equal cheap.
The one I got has metal gears. They are the main point of frustration. They don't really make a full rotation without getting bound/jammed up. Slow, fast, or somewhere in-between, it always felt like I was fighting to get the only moving parts to move.
I've no problem with simple. I like simple. For me, this thing isn't simple, it's frustrating.
Maybe I just got a bad one. A lot of people seem to have an appreciation for it that matches yours. I'd be inclined to exchange it for a different one. Sadly, Amazon refuses to accept it as a returnable item.