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General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 52 (highjacked christmas edition)

Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread. (This time seized by the proletariat) On this day I wish everybody who celebrates Christmas a happy Christmas and for does that do not I wish them a happy holidays nonetheless and everybody an amazing 2024

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Disclaimer: I am neither a Lemmygrad and/or GenZedong moderator and/or admin nor have I ever been a Lemmygrad and/or GenZedong moderator and/or admin my opinions are my own ---


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  • I seem to be lacking the motivation to do party work lately. I don't know if it's because of the things the party asks us to do or because of personal issues.

    • What are they asking you to do?

      • Unspeakable things.

        I'm kidding. It's mostly campaignjng stuff for upcoming elections. It's not too bad but I'm busy with work so I don't have the energy for it. Plus our action group is kind of quiet lately so I don't have that much interaction with other members, and that has a negative effect on my motivation.

        • I understand. It's also not the most sexy stuff to do (although necessary) nd the weather is crap. I told then to contact me when I moved back to where I live now but I haven't heard anything yet and I'm not motivated to reach out myself. I did reach out to Gauche Anti-capitalist. Lef's see where that goes.

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