What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all?
EDIT: Let's cool it with the downvotes, dudes. We're not out to cut funding to your black hole detection chamber or revoke the degrees of chiropractors just because a couple of us don't believe in it, okay? Chill out, participate with the prompt and continue with having a nice day. I'm sure almost everybody has something to add.
This is like the second or third post I have seen in the past week talking about “belief” in science. Science isn’t about belief, it’s about understanding. Maybe this post should be, “What facts are you questioning because you don’t understand the underlying data?”
What it is, is an extremely powerful tool for reducing uncertainty about the world. Not eliminate, reduce. What it is not is a tool for "proving" "facts". Claiming a "proven fact" is belief, not empirical science. An extremely consistent and useful theory, of course! But not a proven fact.
Do you not know what a metaphysic is? A metaphysic is something that affects the world without actually existing. Information is metaphysics. Law is metaphysics. Gender is definitely metaphysics. Science is too.
Y'all downvoting me because you're taking offense to a word you can't bother looking up the definition of. Peak stupidity and tribalism right here. You make up your identity(which is also a metaphysic) based on imagery and social appeal and sling shit just like chimps.
Everything is based in philosophy. Science is based in philosophy. Click the first blue link in every Wikipedia page that isn't the pronunciation and you'll go straight to philosophy after a few pages!
That might have been a better title but it would get less responses and also the title never mentions "belief in science" as you put it, the explicit title is something Scientific that you DON'T believe in.
A lot of people not wanting to disassociate the term believe from relgion here. I believe the sun will rise tomorrow. I also believe the sun doesn't rise. Neither have to do with a religious belief system for me.
Science should be questioned by people who understand the science, not by random people who don't understand the research. Which a lot of people who know nothing about the science or the maths/data or whatever try to question it
Yes, and people that challenge the science who then become scientists actually research/experiment thenselves. They don't go and claim science is false until they have actual reason/evidence to believe so. One can question science all they want when they do their own science on the matter and it isn't handily disproved beyond reasonable doubt by existing evidence.
Most science deniers do not do that. Making anti-science claims without obtaining solid, consistent evidence is not science.
"There's no law against it" is a laughably stupid reason to do something. They're free to do it but everyone else is free to acknowledge that their uneducated/misinformed skepticism is harmful to society and that their opinions are meaningless to those who aren't dumb. Leave the contemporary science denial to those who actually somewhat know what they're talking about.
Let's touch grass together to measure how much photosynthesis grass can do? Please, it will be fun. But I'm open to another scientific experiment if you have anything in mind
The top comment is a proper debate about leading scientific theories, and the most downvoted comment is somebody who thinks the moon landing is faked, both of which have healthy and honest debate with goodwill from both sides.
This entire post is about Skepticism, which is an integral part of Science. To shut down the conversation would be Anti-Science.