Javier Milei, newly elected president of Argentina, has signed a sweeping decree that will cut the number of Argentinian ministries by more than half, consolidating the ministries of Health, Labor,…
This feels like it's going to end up as Anarcho-Capitalisms Cuba. Touted as proof that it works by supporters and as proof it doesn't work by detractors. I hope the Argentinian people come out of this ahead, or at the very least not even worse off.
Hard to be much worse off than over half the population living in poverty and using the black market to get basic things. In Europe and the United States, the black market is where criminals sell drugs. In Argentina, the black market is where everybody sells everything. Drugs or not.
I don't know about that. Capitalism with minor restrictions and major corruption are largely to blame for it. Taking away minor restrictions and just leaving the capitalism and corruption to their own devices, really only can end one way.
Yeah, I know, which is why I fully understand chosing this guy over literally their prior finance minister. It's pretty much "change nothing and hope it improves" vs "blow it all up and hope his ideas work half as well as he thinks they will".
If I remember correct, the saying is something like an idiot does the same things over and over again and expects different results. Sometimes you just have to blow something up and start again.