"Fully Functional..."
"Fully Functional..."
"Fully Functional..."
Even if she could afford it, she can't handle that much...
At lest she didn't have MORE with...
True. She'd also do well to avoid the pitfalls of using...
Which usually leads to (to bring it full circle):
We can probably call it there. Sure was fun getting to work with such...
Couldn't help myself. That was great time..
Always enjoy seeing a good Data thread ... nice job guys
If Data were here, he'd be...
Twas a great time indeed
š hoping you're actually just one person with too much time on your hands instead of two people with too much time on your hands.
This is Risa .... people either have too much time on their hands ... or they don't have time on their hands and they're wasting it here
Or their hands are otherwise occupied š
That 2nd one, yup that's me. Should be sleeping now, you all help me wind down and cheer up so i can't seem to help it!