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Java is a great language.
Sure it is, grandpa. Now let's take your pills and go to bed.
This is a perfectly rational response to being called Grandpa. Especially if you're a grandpa who likes Java.
I don't know what's worse being told to go f*** yourself or to be told you're a grandpa based on your language preference.
On one hand the go f*** yourself is crude but at least it's direct. Being called a grandpa is kind of insidious but it's more pleasant.
To anyone passing by this comment. Which insult directed it you would you prefer?
I must be feeling introspective today.
I'd rather be told to go fuck myself in response to me saying something rude, because I'd deserve it.
I'd rather be called daddy than grandpa 🤣
Depends who's saying it.
I remember many moons ago I was on a hike with my scout troop and one night we camped in this group campground with a lot of...well...super rednecks, most of which appeared to just live there.
Anyway, one of these little redneck kids (maybe 6 or 7 years old) for whatever reason picks one of our scouts (who was maybe 15?) and just basically starts following him around the campsite calling him "Daddy".
It was everyone except him.
I wish I could say that was the weirdest thing that's ever happened on one of those hikes.
That's funny shit love it. Haha
Ay papi