I bet its because console players are far more likely to dump their life savings into Shark Cards 2.0 in massive fits of hysterical FOMO, than PC players are.
Is this type of comment helpful for you? Are people supposed to follow-up with some comment about PC players are sheep and will be buy the game for consoles and then buy it PC when it releases there?
"Hyperbole" is just a euphemism for strawman. No one said PC players don't buy shark cards. You made their argument look ridiculous by misrepresenting what they said. That isn't a good faith argument to begin with.
I never said they didnt. But PC can be modded and exploited much easier than consoles can, Which can impact their sales of blatant bullshit ripoff micro transactions.
Can impact, but likely not a huge one. Just like how most people playing Skyrim are playing without mods, most people playing GTA games aren't going to bother with mods and modded servers.
Just like how most people playing Skyrim are playing without mods
Edit to expand: I honestly don't think I would've played it if it wasn't for mods. The interface is so blatantly consoley and clunky that every action takes way more effort than it needs to.
The likelyhood of a console player buying MTX and a pc player buying MTX is IMO more likely biased towards console.
There certainly are whales on all platforms but mobile doesnt count right now.
Lol, every pc gamer I've ever encountered has to have the latest video card due to FOMO. The thought of only getting 59 FPS keeps them up at night, keeps them from playing the games they've already paid for.