I got the same problem and the middle one is a different resolution and because the others turn on first one of those is picked as main desktop and then the centre turns on and everything flashes as the main desktop is swapped around to the middle and I donno how but it will mess up game resolution setting when it lowers down to the side monitor res... It's such a pita that I'm in the habit now of turning the side monitors off and only turn them on when I'm ready to go
I wish Windows handled this more gracefully. I ran into one where the secondary monitor woke up first and it would cram all open windows and desktop items onto one screen every time it woke from sleep. Frustrated the user. Fix ended up being to swap the display port plugs. Hasn't been an issue since.
Which is every time I go to use my computer every single window is squished into the upper left hand corner into a tiny square
If I minimize everything and then switch over to my computer, I can hover on the windows in the taskbar and they show the correct locations. But when any of them are unminimized they immediately squish to the upper left corner.
Switch your display cables, I can never remember if it's display port or HDMI that doesn't do this, but you've just landed on the wrong one.
It's cos when they switch off, the desktop workspace reduces to an old limit in windows (800×600 minimum desktop?). So all the windows are therefore reduced to that. For some silly reason the display spec included disconnection on sleep mode (not power off!).
You may be able to tweak the monitor settings, too, but I'd start with figuring out if you're using HDMI or DP and try getting the other cable