An unbiased comparison of linux distributions' setup
An unbiased comparison of linux distributions' setup
An unbiased comparison of linux distributions' setup
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Anyone here remember when people would say "I use debian btw" ?
Isn't Mint kinda better Ubuntu these days? Could be worth the check if you are into Ubuntu.
Does Mint carry on the snap stuff? Usually I recommend POP!_OS for new users.
Nope, I can run it on old potato with 3GB of RAM and i doubt i could run Ubuntu's full snaps flotila . They also remove the telemetry of Ubuntu. But AFAIK you can turn on snaps. The way i understand it Mint has these main goals : get rid of questionable Ubuntu things, keep it super stable, be welcoming to newcommers (like my none tech parents who never seen Linux could just use Mint outbox the box)