Never has never will
Never has never will
Never has never will
It's almost like capitalism just means that people exchange money for goods and goods for money and everything else is up to people to decide.
Chiming in to a conversation with a weak point, just to have no one respond to you.
No wonder you haven't made so many comments today. This poor troll is starving because he's having a hard time getting people to take the bait. Anyway, see you tomorrow buddy. I hope for your sake you do better next time
Thanks for responding, noone.
It must kill you that I have a laugh about you to the people you argue with here. Hey man, no one is making you respond with all these little love letters to me
Your ghoulphrenia is amusing to say the least.
Proud of that word? It's cute how you keep using it like it means something.
Anyway, keep validating me by responding. Every single time you do, it's like a little chirp proving that you can't help yourself.
I hope you're having as much fun as I am.
Ghoulphrenia is a condition that you suffer from, it's normal for a ghoulphrenia victim to not be aware of it.
You must know all about that, considering narcissists go through the same thing.
Anyway, I don't tend to take medical advice from self-professed assholes