I'm a high school teacher and I recently was discussing this. Protip: don't talk to 14 year olds about how if something is in between hard and soft, it's firm. 🙄
There’s a surprisingly more expansive demographic that pro tip applies to.
You called out “tip”, but you left “expansive” just lying there helpless?
Don’t worry, it’ll rise to the occasion
Yepp, just the tip.
I'm 41f (going on 13 at times), and this is why my husband hates(loves) having me around the shop - all the mechanical everything is full of euphemisms and innuendo. "mating surfaces" 😂
Are emojis acceptable here? Because I’d like to insert the hand raise one here
I think yes, let’s make a new culture of restrained emoji use 🙌
Oh were they referring to praise hands? I thought they meant 🙋
I was high fiving their raised hand
The Breakfast Club fist pump. There should be a dedicated emoji for that.
Yeah, that tip is applicable for a lot of people who understand what sex is, this isn't something that really goes away with age in a lot of cases.
I feel like you should really have seen that one coming.
coming for sure
This guy doesn’t fuck.
Not for lack of trying! He got that ropeware bug
I had a physics teacher who measured something against his hand in front of class and started to say, "You should try to..." then stopped before telling us he almost said "you should try to use your body to measure whenever possible" but stopped because he remembered he was talking to a room full of high schoolers.