Please Go Around I'm Flooring It
Please Go Around I'm Flooring It
Please Go Around I'm Flooring It
Should probably go 12 mph under if you want them to pass
Then they'll brake check you after to punish you for being in their way
It's moments like that that makes me wish I had a beater car
They don't have the patience to brake check someone going 12mph under the speed limit, thankfully.
Or it ends up being a really slow boring, almost cordial, brake check. I had it happen once, it was funny. I didn't realize he wasn't turning until he sped off even madder.
Then you should get the fuck out of the left lane
I'm sorry, I thought you were in a fucking rush. Guess not if you have time to break check.
Excellent way to miss the point
Move the fuck over, you're not a traffic cop
Driving home one night, lots of traffic on the highway, and I notice I can't see the headlights of the car behind me they are driving so close to my bumper. So I ease off the gas and as soon as I can move over to the right. (Note, I was keeping up with the traffic in the left lane, I just wasn't riding their ass considering we're lined up as far as the eye can see)
This guy passes me and pulls in front of me, only to break check and slow to a fucking crawl. Left hand lane is still full, so once there's an opening I move over and accelerate so this asshole doesn't have room to get in. Traffic lined up behind me too so I have no idea how long it took him to get back over into the left lane. For someone so damn impatient he ended up wasting his own time for no reason.
All this is to say:
you're not a traffic cop
Neither are you. It's not your role to "punish" people who weren't moving fast enough for you. Just move the fuck on.
Well then that guy was a fucking moron
So I ease off the gas and as soon as I can move over to the right. (Note, I was keeping up with the traffic in the left lane, I just wasn’t riding their ass considering we’re lined up as far as the eye can see)
Cool, you're all good then. Keep doing that.
The vast majority of the time when someone complain about some maniac behind them trying to pass, it's because they're just tooling around in the fast lane and they have personally decided that no car must be allowed to go faster than them.
I agree that people need to move the fuck over when there's someone behind them, but if the person behind ends up brake checking them that will discourage them from moving over in the future. ("Why should I let this guy pass just so he can brake check me like the last asshole I let pass?")
There's also the situation where the road is only one lane so you can't exactly "move over".