I have seen many people in this community either talking about switching to Brave, or people who are actively using Brave. I would like to remind people that Brave browser (and by extension their search engine) is not privacy-centric whatsoever.
Brave was already ousted as spyware in the past and the company has made many decisions that are questionable at best. For example, Brave made a cryptocurrency which they then added to a rewards program that is built into the browser to encourage you to enable ads that are controlled by Brave.
Edit: Please be aware that the spyware article on Brave (and the rest of the browsers on the site) is outdated and may not reflect the browser as it is today.
Do these decisions seem like ones a company that cares about their users (and by extension their privacy) would make? I'd say the answer is a very clear no.
Edit: To the people commenting saying how Brave has a good out-of-the-box experience compared to other browsers, yes, it does. However, this is not a warning for your average person, this is a warning for people who actively care about their privacy and don't mind configuring their browser to maximize said privacy.
From the linked source (2023), which I assume you can understand as a German speaker:
Insgesamt hinterlässt Brave einen durchwachsenen Eindruck. Die Voreinstellungen des Browsers sind nicht ideal. [...]
Unklar bleibt, ob man zur A/B-Testgruppe gehört und welche Daten dabei an die Domain »variations.brave.com« fließen. Ebenfalls fragwürdig ist die Abfrage von Affiliate-Domains über die Domain »laptop-updates.brave.com«.
Passt man die Voreinstellungen an und installiert keine weiteren Add-ons, hat man einen Chromium-Ableger, der offenbar keine Verbindungen zu Google initiiert, aber dennoch unnötige Verbindungen beim Start aufbaut. So ganz passt die Außendarstellung bzw. das Versprechen zum Schutz der Privatsphäre nicht zum tatsächlichen Verhalten in der Praxis.
Can you link to where he says he uses Brave? Maybe I'm wrong here, but this seems sceptical.
None of this is misinformation. All the links in this post can be cross-referenced with other links stating the exact same thing.
Btw. it’s suspicious that his account only ever commented this post and only made this post but exist since 2016
This is the first post I've made, not the only post I've commented on. Also, Lemmy didn't exist until 2023 (or 2022?) so how exactly could my account be created in 2016?
Apparently Lemmy has actually existed for a really long time, but still not since 2016.