B-but both sides
B-but both sides
B-but both sides
if they meant to represent russia why use the chinese flag?
are you the kind of people this piece of propaganda aimed for?
Because nobody cares. Slava Ukraini. Fuck Russia.
yes you are lol
Funny how the bootlicker tankies all speak English.
funny how nazis never have the balls to say what they are
funny how nazis never have the balls to say what they are
If self awareness was a disease you'd be the healthiest person alive.
k, ironic
I'm not the one out here playing apologist for a genocidal maniac. Might want to scrub up on that English if you want to keep talking tanky shit.
are you still that mad?
Never was, can't be mad at a tanky for being a moron. It's like being mad at a puppy. They don't know any better.
lol k