I'm so sick and tired of every single website and service trying to push an app on me. No, I don't want to download your stupid shitty app, I've got dozens and I don't want another one that I don't use that interrupts me to push stupid notifications. Now get off my lawn!
Hell yeah. I was furious when I learned that you "nEed To InsTalL tHe McDoNaLds ApP FoR tHe CoDe!" for their monopoly-game. Wtf?! Just give me my fucking mcsundae-coupon right now, goddamn.
Same. I have to use bill.com for a contract, I swear they made their website as mobile un-friendly as possible because they push their app so hard. Like, I use you to submit one invoice a month I don't need an app to do that, fuck off.
The issue of companies wanting to force apps while you don't want another app. Instant apps are a halfway point between a webpage and having to download an app, the app's never actually installed on your phone. It's not much different than a site with heavy CSS.