if you dropped game to $30 from $60, would double or more people buy it? or would too many people see the lower price and think it must be a shitty game to be 'that low' and pass on it?
People made that point about Hollow Knight. At $15, people will assume it's poor quality or a short game, when it actually has tons of content and is better quality than most AAA games. HK is a rare example of a game that's too cheap.
Imo the best example of an underpriced game is Terraria. The game stayed 10$ for the longest time, had a decade of updates(not just tiny ones), ridiculous hours of playtime and people even complained the devs were "greedy" when they increased the price of a steam sale of it(which the game is still an unbelievably good value)
They're actually currently working on the final final final final final final update, Every update from through 1.4.5 were all supposed to be the final updates lol.
"We super mean it this time guys..." - Cenx, the creative director of Terraria