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You're right.
You're gonna get downvoted into oblivion.
But not because you're correct but because you're flat out wrong
the far left are already opressing people who aren't 100% on their side. Even if one criticizes their ideology only in the smallest part, or even dares to reject parts of it, one is hunted down with torches and pitchforks. Instead of accepting criticism, they call everyone a Nazi (which is a relativization of the term btw) so that they do not have to respond to the arguments. Anyone who is not in line is muzzled by force.
Are those all powerful leftists in the room with us now?
Or do you mean to equate people disagreeing with your shitty takes with oppression?
I've deleted my Facebook account 10 years ago lol. but Thanks for the polemic
Good one.
The mostly-Jewish village my grandmother was from in Poland was 97% destroyed by Nazis. Being German, you'd think you'd be more concerned about preventing atrocities like that from occuring. But, no. You'd rather just own libs on the internet.
Congratulations. You did it.
My grandpa from my mother's side was a jew and I am a Sinti born in Germany. Both of my families suffered from the real nazis. Also I am not "owning libs" I am calling out a bullshit far left propaganda meme. It grinds my gears when people inflationary use the terms "fascist" and "Nazi" for people they don't like. You clearly have no clue what a real fascist or nazi is. Please shut your indoctrinated mouth
I knew it was a metaphor, knuckledragger. My point is that mean internet comments against anonymous people don't actually impact their lives.
but that's not my point lol.
Yes your point is that anything that could be considered an insult or disagreement is the same thing as physical violence, which it obviously isn't
Who exactly is being oppressed? By what metric are they being oppressed?
the far left are already opressing people who aren’t 100% on their side.
Oh no. Someone told me I'm wrong! Help, help! I'm being oppressed!
one is hunted down with torches and pitchforks.
Not literally. Because that's what the Nazis have been doing. But metaphorically this poster feels chased through the streets.
If you can show evidence of your claims, you might get literally anyone to give a shit. For example, my torches comment was about Charlottesville white supremacy rally. Your turn.
I'd be glad it would only be get told to be "wrong".
The people who not 100% agree with the far left get publicly called names which leads to death threats, getting attacked in the streets, vandalism, and they lose their jobs because their employers get forced to fire them.
What far left realy mean: "we are gonna exterminate entire social groups because of their opinions and/or believes"
Which social groups are being referred to here, and how is 'exterminate' literally defined in this scenario?
The majority who is not far left. everyone who is not 100% on the side of the far left gets muzzled by force. It's only a matter of time until they start use violence to force their ideology.
Edit: they already use violence, just not collectively
"The left will use violence in the future, even though it's not happening now, while the right is using violence right now, so they're basically the same."
Yeah good one, enlightened centrist.
I meant that they will start collectively use violence, there already individuals who use it.
It's funny how you people oversee the other arguments on purpose.
Jezus fuck if you really are German you absolutely should know better but you've really managed to dodge all of those educational bullets, hey? Almost impressive how fucking ignorant you are..
Honestly, it was stupid enough the first time around.
Going through a hundred years of industrialization and the first world war to then go with the fascists is pretty damning.
The communist party was stalinist of course, which is a real pity.
Ha, actually a nice parallel with the current Linke throwing away their chance at redefining themselves in the face of Russian's war mongering and choosing instead to lick Putins boots.
Wagenknecht, the Putin wisperer
The only bullet I luckily dodged was the far left propaganda. The far left call everyone who they don't like nazi and collectively report them until they get banned from socialmedia platform XY.
Edit: and also I do know better, that's the reason why I call out this BS Meme
have you considered that maybe the people calling Nazi aren't inherently wrong?
why should I? I know what real nazis are and the inflationary usage of the term is relativizating it.
Nazism started small and grew, just as everything does. Use your head.
bruh this response has nothing to do with my statement. Use your head
You are intentionally missing the point.
Modern far-right hate groups share many similarities to Nazism, some even use the same symbology. You may find it comforting to split hairs, but the only ones you're helping are those that benefit from having their true intentions hidden - aka: Nazis.
You have to actively prevent these people from gaining power or they'll swallow up everything around them.
Do you need a history lesson? The German school system clearly didn't do you any favors.
I'm confused. How does taking care of people translate to eradicating entire groups? Why do you think force is inevitable? Does that mean every political party will resort to force?
It’s only a matter of time until they start use violence to force their ideology.
So not exterminated. This is a slippery slope fallacy. You're pissed about being banned on reddit or something. "I'm being muzzled!" Sorry but death threats and bigotry gets you banned on privately-owned platforms.
You are unironically the person this post was calling out. How can you possibly be this way? Head injury maybe?
this post is complete bullshit. The far right and far left are just shit and shit lite®
Literally called the far right shit and you call me a fascist. Thanks for proving my point lmao
You ARE a fascist. No one believes being a CeNtRiSt is a real thing. It's just cowardly support for the right
I found another indoctrinated murican
Yeah logic and facts are also "doctrine" I guess.
Haven't you made enough comments in this thread crying about nothing?
I am just responding lol
Your head is so far up your ass it's sticking out of your neck hole
Thanks for the polemic
You're right. This "meme" is shit and not even accurate.
no u
In Germany we say "der Klügere gibt nach" Which translates to "the wiser gives in" which is the reason why a dumb and loud minority is able to opress the majority now.
there is no great silent majority being oppressed in Germany, the only people arguing this are the literal fascists over in the AFD
The far left try to forcefully implement something called "gendern" into our language. It's supposed to be a gender neutral speech if you speek about a person or multiple persons. (we already have gender neutral terms)
About 74% of the population either rejects it completely or at least critizise it. There is a far left foundation (which is ironically paid by tax money) called "Amadeo Antonio Stiftung" which tries to influence the government to make it illegal that people don't use their stupid terms.
just for the lolz: the "Amadeo Antonio Stiftung" was founded by an ex-Stasi employee
Edit: I do know what you are trying to do. I am not a supporter/voter of the AfD. I voted and will continue to vote for die PARTEI which is a left wing party :)
(we already have gender-neutral terms) these gender-neutral terms are used to objectify something/someone, literally. And the attempt to remove gender when describing groups of people is for inclusivity, while I agree that many of the proposed solutions are silly, language is a living thing that does change with time, so we will see what actually gets adopted.
as for Amadeo Antonio Stiftung, do you know what they actually do, or do you just repeat shit you hear on social media? even if they are a group of tankies, it's not like anyone outside "die Linke" actually follows their demands, I would be more worried about the fact that seemingly all CDU appointed verfasungschutz heads keep strong ties to openly Neo-Nazi organizations
We have the generic masculine which is considered gender neutral.
For the AAS: you are talking alot of bullshit. The family ministery has a tight bond to the AAS and also provided the foundations with millions of tax money. Dunno if you are German yourself but the AAS got alot of attack lately because of their bullshit.
We have the generic masculine which is considered gender neutral.
Honest question. Why not use the actual neutral term?
it is the neutral one, at least in German.