If I could find a internal server fan smaller then 20x20mm. I'd stick one next to my 1U CPU Cooler. But for some reason I can't find one. Needs to be smaller then 20x20 because it would sit on top of the motherboard in a closed 1U server rack frame.
The board doesn't come with any extra on it. There is one used but it doesn't boot without that card. Not really sure what it does.
It's a Dell Poweredge R410 Server: looks like this: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/er4AAOSwNDVfyTuN/s-l1600.jpg
Oh yeah it def had the SAS Backplane wires, I'd switched to using the SATA on board since it doesn't have the same HD capacity limits. I think it was a max of 2tb with the backplane and I'm using a couple of 10tbs. Maybe their is some weird bios that requires it to be on board?
I just meant you can have an internal fan that's larger than your heatsink, and a shroud to direct the airflow to it. It requires less vertical space, but more horizontal space.