Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.
Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.
Wreck the economy because it only works for the billionaire class.
Biden has been collecting checks from and acting on behalf of corporations and executive side industry lobbies his entire career and strongarmed Congress into violating the rights of and defanging railway workers by passing a bill ending their strike.
although he's made some pretty strong pro-union moves lately
No he hasn't. People more pro union than him that he hired at the advice of other people more pro union than him (and the people that work for them)have.
Don't be like the establishment media by giving him the credit that Lauren McFerran and the rest of the NLRB have earned.
"I don't understand how cabinet positions work, and I don't know how to use Google" is all you needed to write.
Also there's this:
“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.
Imagine pretending to care about unions enough to act all pissed on their behalf but not caring enough to just Google what the outcome was.
Imagine pretending that the IBEW speaks for all railworkers because they and one other of the dozen unions involved accepted a crappy deal and has a leader who loves kissing neoliberal ass.
Here's over 500 labor historians disagreeing in an open letter.
Your labor historian letter is from the year prior.
December 2, 2022, 9:00am
Mine is from this June.
June 20, 2023
You didn't care enough to follow up because none of this is real to you. It's just posturing. That's sad as fuck
Just admit you don't actually give a fuck about people's lives. You have your worldview and the reality doesn't matter.
Just admit you don't actually give a fuck about people's lives. You have your worldview and the reality doesn't matter.
Hey look, I found a picture of you!
Except I actually cared about the union, and stayed up to date.
You picked a talking point and, like a Fox News anchor, stuck with it regardless of reality.
Ever hear the term "recency bias"?
The labor historians tried to stop the government from making a huge mistake BEFORE it happened because that's usually the best time to stop things from happening. They did not change their opinion after the mistake was made in spite of their warnings.
That your one Biden bootlicker opinion happened after that doesn't make it more valid than that of hundreds of experts any more than me being born after Napoleon makes me more skilled at battlefield strategy than him.
PS: if you care so much, why are you still pretending that IBEW was the only union involved rather than one out of a dozen?
that reality occurred is inconsequential to how I feel
Thanks for clearing that up.
Hooray, another ridiculous strawman! If that's the best you can do, please stop wasting my time.
You are overplaying it though. I am active in my union and in the organized labor movement more broadly here in the PNW. The railway strike left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths, but there's also a recognition among leadership that the administration didn't have any great options if they didn't want to further tank the economy and cause even more inflation with potentially worse long-term results for everyone.
On the flipside he has appointed by far the most pro union NLRB in history, so this is kind of a case of letting the good be the enemy of the perfect.
he has appointed by far the most pro union NLRB in history, so this is kind of a case of letting the good be the enemy of the perfect.
That's true and the only pro union thing he DOES deserve at least some of the credit for, even though there's no way it was his own idea.
He forced a contract after taking away the power to strike. The contract he forced was in the favor of the rail owners while taking power away from labor.
Shortly afterwards the disaster in East Palestine happened and lots of people were justifiably pissed at the Biden admin for their part. It was only after East Palestine that the admin started working to get rail workers some of the demands they were originally asking for.
They got 4 days sick leave, which is breadcrumbs, but the Biden admin and mainstream media are attempting to sell it as a huge win for labor. The truth of the matter is if Biden was truly pro labor and was attempting to mitigate the economic impact of a strike from "essential workers" he could have just as easily forced a contract in labour's favor from the start. Everything else is cover for that fact, don't get it twisted.
Cool. Everything you say is true, but I'm just telling you that you're wrong if you think that organized labor is or should be somehow against the Biden Administration.
The reality is that he has appointed the most pro-union and labor-friendly NLRB in modern history.
I'm actually a bit disgusted with people like you who think you know how it is down at our local union halls.
You are the elitist motherfuckers who tell us what we should and shouldn't do or believe in.
Here's a cordial fuck you!
Local 10 till I die!
If we look at the history of the labor movement, victories happen when we are organized outside of the two political parties and force their hand. The same thing happened with civil rights and women's rights. It's only by taking an antagonistic approach that has both strong demands and sharp criticism of failures that the needle can be moved.
When you make excuses for Democrats and give them cover for their failings, they have no reason to go further next time.
I was a member UFCW 3000 for 7 years in my teens and 20s. My father in-law has been a member of IBEW Local 77 his entire career. My wife and I have been dragging our kids to picket lines for local unions striking since their little legs could march, not because we personally had anything to gain, but as an act of solidarity.
We are on the same side, I don't understand how you can say in one hand that what I say is truthful and then call me an elitist and swear at me. I am not out here trying to convince anyone to vote for Trump instead, I am just trying to be real about how we, as workers that want to increase labor's political power, can best accomplish our goals.