The closest analogy that I have found is Ostrich, though that tastes of beef and liver. Venison, aka deer, is much like beef, but with almost no fat, so you have to mix it with a fatty meat to use it as beef, even then there's a richer "beefyness" to the end result.
I wish I had tried an antelope steak, when I had the ability to do so, I suspect that would be closer to beef in taste and fat content upon further research.
I aint got any way of describing it, good I guess. Its my prefered meat of choice if that gives you any idea. Also what relgion were you raised in? Im gonna guess Hindu.
Was vegetarian for nearly 15 years. Worked a Friday day shift at the bar, hungover af. I think I served a dozen Prime Rib Dips and ended up asking the kitchen to save one for me for later ... and that was the end of my vegetarian days. It 100% cured my hangover!
If you were born after 1985 and are American your views on pork's flavor aren't exactly spot on. We moved to leaner breeds in the 1980s and as a result our pork has a lot less flavor than it used to. There's a richness to heritage breeds like the ones Neiman Ranch sells that have that flavor still. Other nations I do not believe made this shift.