Computer - LOG OUT! (by raph_comic and dogmo comics)
Computer - LOG OUT! (by raph_comic and dogmo comics)
Computer - LOG OUT! (by raph_comic and dogmo comics)
Btw, i broke Windows yesterday and shutdown
doesn't work anymore.
Send help.
I'm surprised no one has said "use linux instead" already.
I do. But i got a Gaming PC for the TV and finally want to play the games who never worked with proton.
I was just joking, use whatever you want haha
No, don't do that!
The comment is trivial and left as an exercise for the reader.
Did you kill lsass.exe? I did that and it took away power options. It did restart after a minute.
Sasser taught me that killing lsass causes reboots.
Watching that go around a room full of computers was a blast.
Nah, still runs.
Have you tried holding down the power button? Most models automatically kill the power of you hold it down for something like 5 or 10 seconds.
Give it the old “one finger salute” (hold down the power button until it dies)
Try "SFC /Scanner" in cmd, it should fix it.
when the power button menu just says "no power options available"?
No, power button and everything is here but don't work. Same as the shutdown
What did you do before that happened?
Installing Windows, removing edge & cortana & onedrive.
removing edge & cortana & onedrive.
But just install Linux at that point, mate
I just want to play the few games that don't run on Proton. It's a console PC hooked on TV and controller.
It sounds like you need a Windows N or Windows Server, instead.
Actually I think most people do.