Why do people act like coffee in the morning is such a sacred routine but soda in the morning [basically the same drink] is lowbrow and unhealthy?
like, it's caffeine and water and brown, who cares. i drink diet soda so it's no calories, no sugar. versus the stereotype starbucks order, why is soda so demonized
the whole sort of basically woo stuff about oh there's antioxidants there which give you a 3% lower risk of skin cancer after the age of 65 like come on that doesn't count
Carbonated anything is bad for your bones and teeth, long term. That's not avoidable by drinking diet soda. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to still cause simular effects in the body to actual sugar in some cases, and other health issues over time.
Coffee drinks as typically ordered at Starbucks are also filled with unhealthy additions and should be treats, not daily staples. Plain drip coffee taken black is healthier, but rather gross, yet I know people who drink it
I'm team tea, myself. Definitely the superior drink. Actually strengthens your teeth (stains them yet makes them stronger) if you dont add sugar. Just don't carbonate it or add too much other stuff to it if you're after health.
I drink black coffee, americanos or espresso. No milks, no sugar. Either you like coffee or you like milk and sugar. Might as well have a hot chocolate at that point.