A map of European supermarkets
A map of European supermarkets
A map of European supermarkets
Or perhaps use local shops instead of supermarkets...?
they're too expensive for most of us
Unfortunately they cost a lot more or often don't exist.
Plus, many of us are over-stressed and overworked as is. Going to 5 different places to buy your stuff was a lot easier back in the days when most things were in walking distance and only one person in the household had to work full time.
Supermarkets put most of them out of business.
Because the local shop doesn't sell pork shoulder for £3.79/KG
What do you mean? I'm not sure I know of any "local shops" or what that means precisely or how that's different from a supermarket exactly.
To me there's grocery stores like Tesco's and Sainsbury's and the rest of these seem to be in line with that.
Do you mean like corner shops/stores like an off-licence?
A local shop for local people
They probably mean some local chain or small independent store. Usually more expensive and have fewer items though.
But like - examples? Because I don't think this is a thing at all in the UK for instance.
Yep, the small town butcher, bakery, etc.
Where we used to live, I could walk into town and buy local meat, organic veg and a warm fresh loaf of bread and it wasn't that much more expensive than the (3!) supermarkets in town.
Considering I didn't need fuel, then maybe it's cost neutral.
The main difference? Well, much better quality food and the lives of those families...
It's really just down to our choice to drive the price (read: quality / nutrition) down to the lowest possible... or not.
Just sayin'...
So not really a store, but a specialist shop like e.g. a butchers? How is that going to replace a supermarket? I don't think I've seen one of those really ever tbqh, not even in rural small towns I lived in across England like Guildford.
Lol, this is great in theory but the supermarkets ensured most went bust years ago, we have one butcher in the village everyone else went years ago, no veg or anything else