What are some lesser known (so no Walmart, Nestle, Amazon etc) shitty, ethically bankrupt, evil companies?
What are some lesser known (so no Walmart, Nestle, Amazon etc) shitty, ethically bankrupt, evil companies?
What are some lesser known (so no Walmart, Nestle, Amazon etc) shitty, ethically bankrupt, evil companies?
Someone needs to create a website called boycotteverything.com or something, and list off every company to boycott because of something heinous they did.
But have a score out of 10; some are worse than others.
And link to sources / fact checks.
Louis Rossmann just made something like that.
Edit: here is a link https://wiki.rossmanngroup.com/wiki/Main_Page
It's been done before with things like the Better Business Bureau.
These kinds of initiatives tend to start taking money from businesses so they get a better rating and oftentimes end up as basically an extortion racket. Though sometimes they're just straight up bought out by big corporation and suddenly that corporation and it's business partners get great scores.
Why am I not surprised.
I guess the website itself would be on it's on list to avoid?
Very meta/ironic.
You the same space cowboy of YouTube video game help videos?
That website/domain seems to be available for purchase, I don't see any relevant info. Maybe wrong link/TLD?
It was just an example. Didn't check if it existed before typing it.
Ahhh my bad, I was a lil drunk last night and read your post very wrong haha