DC is getting empty.
DC is getting empty.
DC is getting empty.
Did anyone in DC vote Trump?
Small point of clarification but Dulles is in Northern Virginia not DC because there's no room for an airport that size in the District.
Now, the Cabbie from OP could easily live in DC, Virginia or Maryland, all of which were won by Harris.
DC gets three electoral votes for presidential elections; it's Congress in which they're not represented.
And they vote super blue. In 2024, they voted 90.28% for Harris
(Note that the "delegate to the house" on that site is a non-voting member. They do not having voting representatives in the house or senate)
Incorrect. DC, while not having senators or representatives, still has 3 electoral votes for president, due to the 23rd amendment.
That's not true since the 23rd amendment was passed in 1961