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How (and when) to consolidate communities? (A guide)

Why consolidate communities?

One of the advantages of a decentralized platform like Lemmy is the ability to create parallel communities on the same topic. "You don't like how a community is being moderated? Go to another instance and start your own community!" (with or without blackjack and hookers)

However, this is a double-edged sword. The creation of multiple communities on the same (or similar) topics can also fragment the userbase, leading to very sparsely populated communities.

How consolidate communities?

While consolidating communities can counteract userbase fragmentation, it is not an easy process for users to do, and so I thought I'd write up and share this guide.

Taking inspiration from's excellent blogpost, let's imagine a hypothetical scenario where the pancake userbase on Lemmy is heavily fragmented, could benefit from consolidation.

Step 1: Identify duplicates

Search for 'pancakes', as well as common synonyms (hotcake, griddlecake, flapjack). In our hypothetical scenario, we get the following search results:

  • ! (active)
  • ! (inactive)
  • ! (active)
  • ! (inactive)

Open each community on its home instance, note the frequency of posts, and check whether the moderators are active. From this, you will often get a hunch for what might be the best community to consolidate to, but you should still keep an open mind as you proceed to the next step.

Edit1: To avoid centralization on large instances, I typically prefer consolidating towards smaller instances, provided that they are well managed.

Step 2: Solicit input

Create a post on ! The post should contain the following:

  1. A brief reminder on the detriments of userbase fragmentation and the advantages of consolidation.
  2. The list of duplicate communities you've identified for a given topic.
  3. An invitation for discussion and, optionally, your recommendation of a community to consolidate to.

Example post here (electric vehicles).

Once you have posted, create a top-level comment for each community in which you reach out to the moderators, administrators, and contributors for their opinions.

These comments will hopefully spark discussion among the pancake enthusiasts on Lemmy.

Edit2: There will often be users advocating for consolidation to whichever community currently has the most subscribers/activity. When this community is on of the larger instances, feel free to gently remind people of the risks of centralization.

If any two communities agree to consolidate, you can move onto step 3.

Step 3: Consolidate communities

When a decision is reached between any two communities, one community can then be closed, and redirect users to the other. You should recommend that the moderator take the following actions:

Changing the community display name is particularly helpful for users when they are searching for communities.

When to NOT consolidate communities?

If there exist two active communities on the same topic, and they have a different significant difference in geographical focus, political leanings, or moderation style, these communities should not be consolidated. This would be an example of the advantages of parallel communities in the Fediverse.


  • Find all the communities on a given topic (easy)
  • Convince people that consolidation is a good idea (medium)
  • Get people, many of whom may be reluctant to see a community on their home instance locked, to decide on a which community to switch to (challenging)
  • Contact the moderators (or the admins, if the mods are inactive) of each of the n-1 communities and get them to lock each community, with appropriate links to the decided upon community (simple, but tedious)

It can be a bit of a pain-in-the-ass to do properly, and I've seen many more failures than successes, but given the potential benefit for the Fediverse as a whole, I thought I'd write up and share this guide. Feedback is welcome :)

  • Good guide. I would like to point out that you may get some political infighting around instance policies that are not very productive.

    Reached out to ! (low activity, no mod, but 5K subs) to consolidate with ! (much more engagement, albeit mostly me posting, 1.3K subs). I made sure to take a neutral and non judgemental tone, but I still got lectured about irrelevant things like LW admin policies and so on. You can take a look at the ! modlog and see that there are no issues.

    Haven't checked, but I wouldn't be surprised if hardware ML still doesn't have a mod.

    Let's hope we can hit 100 K MAU by the end of the year. This will help both organic consolidation and even organic differentiation. I don't mind different communities, but they need to have their own spin on a topic (subfocus, regional focus etc.).

    • The !hardware situation is not great when considering political leaning of instances and user base and the fact that both will avoid each other.

      Personally I avoid both .ml (tankies) and .world (performance issues, libs). I don’t think hardware is that much of a niche so maybe it’d make sense to start over on a medium sized and neutral instance? Maybe not because that one runs at risk of becoming like .world. I’ll move over wherever.

        • This one looks perfect for me because there’s no gadget news (which I grew bored of). I’m going to post there but I think it’s best that there’s a separate more gadget’y community too.

      • There is a whole instance for hardware news and reviews.

        • This is a very good initiative that I want to see succeed! My immediate feedback is that I avoid instances and communities without clearly defined rules so that’s something to consider.

          I would also prefer to avoid a situation where we had shows & movies dedicated instance that turned out to be too much for the admin and went poof and so I need to know I can put my trust in a new dedicated instance. I understand it’s a bit of a chicken & egg problem but we need things to be stable during migration waves.

        • With two posts in the last 2 weeks?

          • If I feed the communities with mirrors from Reddit, people complain that they are being spammed. If I don't, you complain that is empty.

            If I say that I am running these instances on my own, people say that is a risk. If I offer them to be put under a consortium of admins, you say that "I just want others to bear the costs".

            There is no point in arguing anymore.

            • If I don’t, you complain that is empty.

              It's empty because you cannot sustain posting organically to all those communities by yourself.

              People aren't posting to those communities and instances because there are more established communities on more established instances.

              If I offer them to be put under a consortium of admins, you say that “I just want others to bear the costs”.

              My point was more that you don't seem to be able to find other admins who want to join in your project of those 20 instances.

              Every admin team here manages one instance. You're the only admin wanting to manage 20 at once.

              • People aren’t posting to those communities and instances because there are more established communities on more established instances.

                I already asked you many times to not shield your opinions by arguing about what "other people do".

                There is nothing stopping you to say "I don't want to centralize things around the big instances, so I rather post on the topic specific ones". And you seem perfectly fine making the effort to push consolidation around and even, but flat out refuse to extend any help to the topic-instances that I run.

                It's fine that you don't want to support anything I am proposing because you want to keep this free from "commercial ventures". It's fine if you are a hater. But at least do me a favor and stop pretending you aren't.

                Every admin team here manages one instance. You’re the only admin wanting to manage 20 at once.

                Operations-wise, managing one, two or 20 instances is the same thing if you have enough automation.

                Also, if the instances are not open for users, the real work is not on the operations side but on moderation. This is something that can be done by others that are not admins.

                (and before you come back with "modding a remote community is hard", I would be okay with opening user accounts for moderators on the instances)

                • I already asked you many times to not shield your opinions by arguing about what “other people do”.

                  And you keep ignoring the fact that it's still the reality. Nobody posts on ! , but it's not against you, nobody posts on ! either.

                  You keep ignoring that, and trying to scapegoat me as the cause of that, but I'm not preventing anyone posting to your communities, people just don't, because they prefer more active communities, and active posters prefer established communities on established instances.

                  And you seem perfectly fine making the effort to push consolidation around and even, but flat out refuse to extend any help to the topic-instances that I run.

                  Yes, and you know that I'm building communities on other instances to promote decentralization

                  The main difference between those admins and you is that they don't come up aggressively to me like you usually do, and are doing right now.

                  For people reading this:

                  • You love to point out past discussions, but you only show half of the story. Where is the link to the post where we had more people (beyond me) saying "let's post on instead of LW" and you refused? You preferred to continue on LW (even when you were basically alone posting by yourself there) and the best excuse you found was that you didn't like the domain name. When I said "I can get a .football domain" (which I did, btw) you went then to say "oh, please don't do that" and expressed some concern trolling about the cost of the domains.

                    So, forgive me if I sound "aggressive", but all I am doing is pointing out the inconsistencies between what you say you want and what you end up doing.

                    • At the time I was still building the community. As you pointed out, I was the only poster there.

                      After a while, a few other people started posting there, one became mod, and we moved it to

                      Just because sometimes things take some time doesn't mean I'm inconsistent.

                      • At that time, there were more people posting on This means that, if you had joined me and the others on, the network effects would grow in its favor.

                        So, yeah, you could've helped me and the topic instances. You could have helped with decentralization a lot more than "moving from the first to the second largest instance". But for some personal reason you refrained from it.

                        And again, it's fine if you don't want to help, but don't go around acting like your hands are tied.

      • There is also a hardware community on, which would fit the bill.

        My first Lemmy account was on ML which I made by mistake. I have a personal issue with tankies (I am Ukrainian, living in Ukraine) so I immediately switched, LW seemed like a solid choice.

        Contributing to the ML variant of HW was not an option and it was pretty dead in terms of engagement.

        I looked up if there were other HW communities and found a dead one on LW. Asked for mod rights and started contributing.

        The hardware subreddit has 3 million members, so I wouldn't really call it niche.

        I wouldn't mind merging into the instance if it could be programmatically done and in a graceful manner. Alas, it will likely be a long time before we see such functionality.

        I personally don't think concerns about LW or are relevant for a social network with a mere 55K MAUs. IMO, at this point focus should be on growth. With growth we will see organic consolidation and differentiation.

        • I wouldn’t mind merging into the instance if it could be programmatically done and in a graceful manner. Alas, it will likely be a long time before we see such functionality.

          There is now a way to ping everyone who contributed to a community to ensure graceful migration, wouldn't that be enough?

          • I had something more along the lines of DB merge in mind. Where post/comments/subs are directly ported with redirect URL and so on.

      • Maybe not because that one runs at risk of becoming like .world. I’ll move over wherever.

        As the main contributor to communities, don't worry, you still have to scroll quite a bit to see the first community on

        • now has a large user base and hosts some big entertainment communities so my gut tells me it’s already getting too big and we need to diversify before it grows into another Ideally the problem is addressed before that actually happens ;)

          • LW still being at 18562 monthly active users when is at 7180, there's still a lot of margin.

            Also, by definition there can only be one largest instance, could jump to 10k tomorrow, they would still only be the second.

            Hopefully can grow too, it's a very nice instance well managed

      • By the way, I see you posted on ! , but I'm trying to revive !

    • Haven't checked, but I wouldn't be surprised if hardware ML still doesn't have a mod.

      How is this possible? I thought when a user creates a community, the user becomes a mod.