Fool me once ...
Fool me once ...
“It is what is it is” is such a go to automatic response that I’m working on getting past
Fool me once ...
“It is what is it is” is such a go to automatic response that I’m working on getting past
Stop. Calling. Me. Out. So. Hard
also hope youre having a good day OP, its hard out there be kind to yourself.
Birds of a feather flock together! :)
Joking aside thank you for your kind words as well. I hope you have a wonderful day yourself and if you can’t today I hope you at the very least find respite in the future from the storms that existence seems to haphazardly throw our way.
Oh damn.. Im not that eloquent but you too bird of my flock! May you soar forever as high as you want!
I disagree. With both our eloquent wings we shall reach new unseen heights … just not Icarus level I hope ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)