Communism in theory vs in practice
Communism in theory vs in practice
Communism in theory vs in practice
So your position is that their system is “Fascist Corporatism,” but also… that’s fine, actually?
Great point. That was a mistake from my part. So what China is doing is indeed not fine at all, even though it kind of works for them.
I'm sure that your branding of the Chinese economy is based on a very high degree of intellectual rigor and definitely not just pulling words out of your ass based on vibes.
No, I didn't.
I already explained to you how China's economy works based on actual facts. You completely ignored it and doubled down on vibes based nonsense that you didn't even bother to defend or explain in any way. Telling you you're wrong is not "less intellectual" than being blatantly wrong.
As a reader btw, I appreciate your point of view. Don't get discouraged when your interlocutors put in less work than you. I think snuffing out the liberal fervor for capitalism by using examples where different systems are successful is vitally important. I'm just not very educated on it as I could be. People like you help with that!
OBJECTION! does a great job with this, they especially have a strong understanding of rhetoric that I tend to lack.