Thousands “Stand Up for Science” Across the Country
Thousands “Stand Up for Science” Across the Country

Including Nobel laureates, climate researchers, and parents of kids saved by groundbreaking drugs.

Thousands “Stand Up for Science” Across the Country
Including Nobel laureates, climate researchers, and parents of kids saved by groundbreaking drugs.
do I have to do all of your thinking for you?
Just having a conversation. You know, the entire point of platforms like this. But I guess shutting down the coversation is cool too.
If all of your “conversations “are trolling arguments, I pity anyone who has contact with you.
You sure have a lot of opinions on what not to do.
I enjoy the fact that hurts you. Please, provide me more opportunities to cause you pain.
Or you could just stop talking. Are you capable of that?
Ha! Not sure what gave you the idea that your dumb words and thoughts hurt me in the least.
Are you capable of empathizing with others? All signs point to no.