The only Super Hero movie they won't make
The only Super Hero movie they won't make
The only Super Hero movie they won't make
Afaik we have 8 planets. So who's missing? And where are they?
In case you're really not familiar.
Captain Planet was a kid's cartoon in the '90s where 5 kids were given rings that could control different elements (one each of the classical elements, plus heart). When together they could combine their powers to summon the eponymous Captain Planet, a superhero who cared greatly about environmental justice (which was the main theme of the show).
Thx. Seems I have some knowledge-gaps in pop-culture 😅
And in every episode there was some kind of environmental problem that 5 kids with super powers attempted and failed to solve and then had to summon Someone who was basically Earth-Superman. Finally the episode would end with the kids (who had failed to save the day) and the audience (who had no kind of superpower) being told that we had the power to save the world.
It really required a feast of cognitive dissonance to enjoy.