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  • I took a sip of my own piss because the doctor had me pee in a cup during an appointment. I had no concept of urinalysis and just assumed he was thirsty, leaving me with the question "well does it taste good?"

    I think I was four at the time.

    • Well, how was it?

    • I developed a one of those celebrity crushes on Sarah McLachlan after listening to Fumbling Towards Esctasy during one of my lonely summers between the school years. I thought her voice was so pretty and the more I listened to it the more convinced I was that she was a lesbian. I was utterly devestated when her wikipedia page contained no mention of being gay or bi. In fact, she was married to a MAN. I remember being in a funk over this for a couple days afterwards and deciding to interperet the album through my own sapphic lens, even if the artist herself was not that way at all.

      Very normal twelve year old boy behavior.

      • Oh my GOD I fucking loveeeed that album!! I was also like 11-12 when I was into it. I wanna go back and relisten, ill bet its still a banger. And the sapphic thing...Are you me? Lol

        • Huh, I wonder how common of an experience this actually is...

          Ok so its subjective obviously but its still a great album, I have it on vinyl and it is a glorious experience when listened to on bigass speakers. Now, the meanings of the songs have changed so much for me over the past couple decades or so, Posession hits WAY different when you realize that its written from the perspective of a stalker. I listen to "Mary" as a sequel to Bruce Springsteen's "The River". There are a bunch of things that tie the two songs together and I like the idea that Mary got to take back control of her life some years after getting knocked up by her dumbass boyfriend when she was 18.

          • We should do a survey lol. Got a huge nostalgia hit the other day thinking about that period of my life and I put on the first Garbage album. I feel like both of those albums were embelmatic of exploring my queerness as a kid for sure. I'll have to listen to the Springsteen song back to back, that's really cool how you linked the songs that way