Or that doesn't try to kill you
Or that doesn't try to kill you
Or that doesn't try to kill you
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Why the fuck would someone be deluded enough to think this attribute of a vehicle is important enough for any established manufacturer to even give it the courtesy of a thought.
Adding something nobody asked for, for no reason, that nobody would ever be in a situation to find it useful only underscores just how impulsive and idiotic of a poseur Musk is. Though, I guess if I was some Nazi cunt, I might add "bullet-resistant transportation" to my list of requirements too.
Not even. A 500 dollar AR15 is going to go right through that door.
I'm okay with you not believing me but I've done vehicle target ranges where 5.56/.223 was the smallest round used. If that's not good enough for you then I don't care.
One of the many problems with our time is people say shit like this just to get reactions now. Irony is dead.