Tank engine
Tank engine
Tank engine
There's a lot of historical inaccuracy here.
Harry Truman had this to say:
If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don’t want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances.
I admit I had to learn more about USSR during our convo. And however much I hate admitting this, it would me insincere of me to not admit USSR had more sensible politics internally than I thought when it comes to food. They were, however, still insanely brutal and sadistic regime while dealing with anything comparable to opposition to their goals. So yeah, thanks for broadening my horizons, but please never state USSR was in any way or form good guys. They massacred, murdered, invigilated and abused, not unlike Nazis, at least in Poland.
As for your closing paragraph, I recommend you read Blackshirts and Reds. The Nazis and the Communists are in no way comparable, and doing so originates with Double Genocide Theory, a form of Nazi Apologia and Holocaust Trivialization. Out of all the major world powers, the Soviets were by far the best and most progressive, and it isn't close. From Nazi Germany inventing industrialized murder and trying to colonize the world, to Britain intentionally starving 4 million Bengalis, to French colonialism of Algeria, Vietnam, and more, to US colonization of Cuba, genocide against Palestinians, Koreans, Iraqis, Vietnamese, and working directly with the Nazis before and after World War 2, and more, the Soviets were consistently the most progressive and most correct.
As a Pole, yes, we were all literally saved by the Soviets so you can take your genocide denial and stuff it in your nazi whitewashing ass.