You're not listening to me. In politics, there's rarely "stopping the evil". It's not an all or nothing situation.
You act like there is no difference in outcome whether democrats or republicans win elections. You must either be very privileged or very ignorant.
Frankly, it's political theater.
Has the economic conditions of the working class improve under Biden?
Would it have improved under Harris?
Even if it would have, is your personal situation improving a tiny amount worth 30k dead Palestinians?
Harris and Biden are conservatives. No the conditions didn't improve. But they sure as hell will deteriorate under Trump. Poor people, LGBT folk, women will all suffer greatly. And none of it has anything at all to do with the suffering in Palestine.
All od those groups were already suffering under Biden...
Things were already deteriorating for them.
Don't believe me? Ask them.
I'm a gay brown person and I would 1 million percent rather have 50 years of Biden over the next four years of Trump. Don't presume to speak for me chud.
Suffering is not a binary. It will massively increase under Trump compared to any democrat.
So, beatings will continue until morale improves?