Anon gets rid of crackheads
Anon gets rid of crackheads
Anon gets rid of crackheads
The autoremove that replaces it with removed as soon as it’s posted
Also are you 4? No one thinks it’s bigoted
Say it to me genius.
Uhh huh, it's just on auto remove because it's powerful sentiment of unabridged love and understanding huh?
It's fun to know that the only thing stopping you from dropping hard r's is that people won't see them.
Hard r? It’s not the n word, bitch boi
Also the fuck is with this instance’s censorship
Well never know since you're to scared to say it but hilariously enough you have no issue using a misogynistic insult. Hilarious.
No one is censoring crybaby, day what you mean and stop hiding behind other people.
If you weren’t so obviously removed you would have known what I thought of you when I said tard
Or you could just say it Karen, though throwing insults after feigning indignation about a misgendering that didn't even happen to you kinda proves it was all just show anyway.