There's a bunch of Chinese posts asking if the stuff about school shootings, fires, homelessness are exaggerated propaganda only to be told otherwise. It's both hilarious and sad.
I'm reminded of that ex Soviet joke about how they always knew the government was lying about their own countries but were shocked to learn it was telling the truth about america
There is definitely more direct censorship of domestic events in China than in the US. For instance, in the US it is widely publicised that the government separates children from adults at the border. Ask Chinese about the Uyghur work camps and they won’t know.
You just made that up. You genuinely have no idea what the Chinese perception of the uyghur imprisonment is. In fact you've gone out of your way to call their prison system a "work camp". I'm not even saying that it's not a work camp. What I am saying is you wouldn't call American prisons a work camp despite also being used for mass slave labor.
Thank goodness for the modlog! You are right on. Just because American propaganda is bad doesn't mean Chinese isn't bad too or that we have to defend it. Everyone should be held accountable.
You don’t know what Chinese people do or don’t know. You only know what Western governments and Western corporate media tell you Chinese people do or don’t know.
There’s nothing secret about what happened in Xinjiang. People are well aware of the terrorist attacks and of how the local and federal governments’ responded to them.
Friends of mine who have moved away from China. One of them had police at their door in China for social media posts that were friendly to Uyghurs (not even anything to do with the genocide, just general friendliness as a "we're all Chinese" kind of message). Being taken to police stations for even slightly questioning the state narrative is terrifying.
Their access to news is controlled and for some topics all available news is what we'd call propaganda. Particularly anything about Japan or the Taiwan issue. Most people I know there realize this to an extent but without any other information do still believe the core idea even if skeptical of details.
But at the same time I'd argue there's no such thing as a population that's not propagandized. In the US the big news corporations only will present views favorable to their profitability and continued growth. Sure they disagree with eachother, but it's still always a pro-business view. State news from Russia is (I'd argue rightly) not available on many US platforms to discourage it's influence for example.
The US does NOT have a free press and is not at all interested in freedom and free speech. Notice that there are no socialists or leftists of any kind on any news channel or in political leadership positions.
This is just untrue. There is plenty of legal press in the US of any persuasion, from anarchist to fascist.
The major US news outlets are in bed with capitalists because that's where the money is, but there are lots of smaller outlets with other views. In China all news outlets kowtow to the government because anything else is illegal.
You mean how both China, and the US propagandize their citizens? Yeah, I'm fully aware of that already. All states will do it, as a system of control over the working class, in order to continue to exploit them.
I mean, if controlling the people wasn't the goal, whats the purpose of the oppression of a state?
You're in .ml, they are in their own bubble of "Ha! The other side is indeed bad!" They will tell you that China is propaganda free while all the crap you think of about the US is true.
As you mentioned, that's propaganda and it goes both ways.
School shootings is something uniquely american. Even México doesn't have them and we have a decent amount of narcojuniors (rich sons of drug dealers) that would have plenty access to guns, the only time i remember a school shooting happening it was in a private school in Monterrey like 7 years ago, which is pretty much the most americanized part of México.