Where is there anything to do with white ?
I was talking about why n-a/er isn't banned and how saying -er should be banned while keeping the -a variant doesn't make sense.
I am for freespeech to me nothing should be banned like that, i am by no means advocating for the cracker one.
Where did you get the idea that i was american ?
Etymologically, the -a variant is a respelling of the -er which i believe is the original. This respelling is due to the "ghetto" spelling like gangaster->gangsta, same thing different pronunciation.
Exactly my point. You’re not American and don’t understand the cultural significance and should shut the fuck up about something you know nothing about.
Sweetheart you’re commenting on American cultural issues with zero knowledge of American culture, trying to claim nigger and nigga as being the same thing.
You need to read a fucking book and sit your ass out of things that don’t concern you, not me.
LOL, words have a meaning, if you use it wrongly that's not on me.
If you consider ppl calling each other n-er insulting but not n-a that's your cultur problem.
ETYMOLOGICALLY one is a respelling of the other thus they have EXACT SAME MEANING.
Aight i'm off now, talking to a wall isn't my thing.