Everything else aside, my biggest gripes are with service control. Instead of just "service" they had to invent a new name that was super close to an existing function (systemctl vs sysctl) and reverse the switch order. (service sshd stop vs systemctl stop sshd.service)
Besides that, I absolutely hate that all the service configs are not in a standard location. Well, you get things like sshd.conf which are still in etc, but the systemctl configs are who knows where.
There are more important things to hate on with systemd, but I went for the superficial this time and I absolutely hate service management with systemd now.
wrt conf file location, they're only generally in /usr/lib/systemd, /etc/systemd, or /run/systemd. You can always find out what's getting read with systemctl cat <service-name>. Way easier to find stuff than with some other random programs imo, I've seen crap have default conf files in dumb places like /usr/share/<service-name>/lib/etc.