Europeans are really fucking racist. Asians and Jews are cool and yet yall are really weird about them. and don't get me started on how badly Islam is vilified...
European here, you're entirely right. The racism here is heavily engrained in the cultural rivalries, where we're racist against all the foreign cultures, and there's just so many of them you can't reconcile all of them. Italians, slavs (and all the different slavs), Nordics, Spaniards, Dutch, German, French, Russians, etc. And that's not even scratching religion, color, or other continents.
Lol, get the Irish started on the Travelers, and it'll come out for them, too. The amount of times I hear "They're knackers, they're just scumbags," or similar when one of them shows up was pretty surprising, initially.
I've heard it a few times, from young and old, took me back I must say. A lot of it was when I was making a day trip from Biarritz to Bilbao, by train and bus. Yikes, I thought you guys got along ok! Apparently not.
Some of the most racist people I've met are Asian. My neighbor is a Filipino Trump supporter who was patrolling the property with a concealed gun during the BLM protests
Nobody is "weird" about Asians or Jews where I live, that I know of. I'm even half west-Asian myself. Nobody had been weird about it to me, ever. I was always met with positivity regarding my heritage. Surprised to see you say this, to be honest.
Islam is a religion, not a race. It's a set of ideas. I don't think attacking the religion is morally wrong, as long as you don't attack the races that commonly practice it.
Europe likes to pretend it isn't racist because its cops don't beat up black people (for the most part). US racisim, OTOH, is on full public display. This doesn't make one better than the other.
That might have been true twenty years ago when the racist political parties were fringe groups with a few % of the vote share in most countries. Now that they're frequently getting 20 or 30 something % if not winning elections outright I don't think many people still hold the illusion that there aren't a lot of racists in Europe.
The main daddy married then raped a child aisha. Wikipedia has a decent write up around it.
Instead of admitting that this is fucked up bullshit they go around explaining how that's just things were back then... Where did we hear this before, looking at these rock stars that idiots are still explaining away. Or go straight into meltdown mode.
I guess because their funny book said it and it is about their pedo daddy, we can't point out this is pedophilia and it should not be justified.