Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
There is not such thing as middle class, pure sophistic. There are only 2 classes, proletariat and bourgeoisie.
There is something to be said of a small artisan class which Marx wrote a bit about - artists and the like. However it's more of an academic discussion than anything that really matters
From an purely pedantic Marxist standpoint, that is not true. Marx identified several classes. It's just that he saw societal transformational potential in both the bourgeoisie (a revolution he lived and was living through) and the proletariat (a revolution that he expected and wanted to happen).
It's true that more than 2 were mentioned, but my comment is still accurate enough.
Again, purely pedantically, no it is not, unless you just mean 'the middle class does not exist', then we are in agreement. There are many classes that still exist, but only 2 have 'revolutionary potential' according to Marx.
Though I (and Lenin and Mao) would even disagree with that. The 'peasantry' of the 20th century proved to be more than capable at staging their own revolutions.
Again, no one disagreeing in existence of more than 2 classes (many of them in decay since Marx time). And again, considering the post, the comment is valid enough. Not from a pedantic point of view, but in current circumstances it makes the point. Existence, motion, decay and revolutionary potential of classes is an interesting topic, but I doubt that under the meme post about "middle class". No offence.
Look, when one says "There are (as in exists) only two classes" I generally expect them to mean "There are (as in exists) only two classes." Which is not true.
I'm not offended, it's just that I made my pedantic point, and now you are insisting that you didn't say something that you said. You are only technically wrong, and it's still a better quip than mine.
Look, I'll take the L here if it really matters all that much to you, but claiming that we can't make theoretical mountains out of molehills in terms of theory in arbitrary instances is practically denying our Marxist heritage. If anything we should be founding and publishing newsletters against each other at this point. Surely you can spare a section of a little ol' measly memes comment section.
let's go back to the roots! jeff bezos is middle class, prince harry is upper class. there.
if it's rich but has no hereditary title, it's middle class :)
Okay but them we do kinda need to bring the clergy and the artisans back as well. And more rural people, so were probably gonna have to send some people out into the countryside. Maybe some of the many office workers, they are all just doing the same work in competing branches, it's completely redundant.
Aw fuck we just turned into pol pot
You just wrote the saddest, shortest story about illiteracy ever
Wish I could be proud of my smooth brain.
"Hehe I'm an idiot, sure owned you huh?"
Why is there a garbage can in front of your username?
I’m not sure