Tech worker movements grow as threats of RTO, AI loom
Tech worker movements grow as threats of RTO, AI loom

Advocates say tech workers movements got too big to ignore in 2024.

Tech worker movements grow as threats of RTO, AI loom
Advocates say tech workers movements got too big to ignore in 2024.
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I’m in management now but I say go get ‘em please.
most management I would assume would be with the workers. If your not c suite your nothing.
Tech is a bit different because a significant portion of your compensation comes as stock when you get higher up the ladder but yeah.
Stock options and grants are a tool to trick you into accepting lower pay and conflating your interests with those of the capital class. (Speaking as someone who has received both!)
Yeah I'm speaking from experience here in that about a third of my pay is in stock.
I wouldn't say my pay is low though, for what it's worth.
Only idiots confuse owning some stock with being part of owner class lol
Same type of idiot who sold out the country for 401k and a McMansion
Yeah I would say that is high enough but its pretty up there for stock to be all that significant.
You'd think that, but a depressingly large percent of middle managers identify more with the bosses than with the people doing real work. They believe that if they toe the line and work hard at enabling the sociopaths, they might eventually get the promised invisible handjob.
Interestingly, I've known more senior managers than middle managers who are radical. I'm one, and I've known many others. I think that those who really understand how the system works end up advancing, but they're also the ones with no illusions about how the sausage is made.
Capitalism has made me moderately rich (and I started from near-destitution), but that doesn't mean I am unaware of its many toxic side effects. You have to live within the system that exists. People who don't know how to do anything make shitty revolutionaries and incompetent reformers.
yeah I get that. Im unemployed currently but I know that my rate is much higher than the large majority of folks so I feel kinda guilty in a way but at the same time I have a sickly wife and our household income puts us in the average. My ability to earn more just offsets her inability to earn one. Of course though medical expenses make our expenses higher and as I looked for work I went through the excersise to see how much I needed to make and it just blows me away mainly because medical expenses are a third of the budget. as high as housing although we have about as cheap a housing situation as someone could have nowadays. We have such a topsy turvy crazy society were one can go from being comfortable to destitute or vice versa at practically the drop of a hat but the direction and pressures are downward. Ugh. I do find middle managers tend to work relative to metrics they want to look good and they want the people under them to focus on them. the people under them usually just want to have their stuff working and to clearly know which thing to concentrate on and higher levels also looking to have stuff working but from a larger perspective.