Dying boy, 15, gets wish: losing virginity
Dying boy, 15, gets wish: losing virginity
Dying boy, 15, gets wish: losing virginity
🙄 I'm sure your religion is the infallible one right? I think you are also in the moron category.
I'm an atheist and I agree with the other person
You are an atheist that listens to clergy? Why in the fuck would you ever? Seems like an astronomer saying "we should still listen to astrology, they have valid points."
No I don't, I just think you're wrong and extremely disrespectful
Won't someone think of the clergy! 🙄
Sorry I'm not sweet to the religious. I'm my experience, listening to clergy ends in child abuse at worst, guilt and pressure to join their religion at best. The clergy should go get real jobs.
I meant to me and the other commenter, not the clergy
Well clutch your pearls then.
I think you don't know me or my personal views on spirituality at all and you're making some wild assumptions.
You dodging the question indicates the assumption isn't that wild.
Lmao. I'm under no obligation to tell you anything about myself.
No one said you were.