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What games have you sunk the most time into?

I was looking at my playtime for some games and realized I have over 450 hours in PlanetSide 2.

I've been wanting to find a new game to sink some hours into so I'm curious what Lemmy plays the most.


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  • I’ve spent a lot of time on the XCOM games. Installed 2 recently and having almost as much fun as the first time (this is like the 10th).

    I’ve tried Risk of Rain 2 a few times. Like the comment I left about Rim World below, it just doesn’t click with me and I love shooters. Wondering what I’m missing that everyone else sees.

    • Yeah XCOM 2 is one of my top games by playtime. That game has stolen so many nights with "one more mission". Then they went and did that kickass expansion.

      • I tried War of the Chosen but find the story confusing. Did they allude to these additional factions in 2 or do they just drop you in the story as if in mid stream?

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