Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
I can prove that you are supporting genocide. You pay your taxes, right? Then you're supporting genocide.
Unless you're too young to pay taxes? In that case I could give you a pass - it's not like you know any better anyway.
But this is something we all have to reconcile - we're all complicit. You don't get to wash your hands of this, Pontius Pilate.
Again, you've proved nothing. This is just a conclusion/opinion. Just stop.
You're literally paying for it! Do you not feel anything for the direct consequences of your actions?
The fact that you refuse to accept responsibility for your own actions doesn't change the fact that you are complicit. You have to grow up and learn to take responsibility for what is being done in your name with your tax dollars, or they're just going to keep killing in your name using your tax dollars. It's really that simple.
You want me to stop because I'm giving voice to your own guilt, because you know I'm right.
Ukraine and Uyghur. What is your stance on those issues?
I feel you may be somewhat mentally unstable, so discussing anything with you may be dangerous.
I have taken no action. I have no say in how my taxes are spent, thus I feel no guilt.
You are using "direct" incorrectly. I have taken no direct action. The person or persons who used my money in such a manner is the one taking direct action.
I assure you, I feel no guilt. I don't care.
Supposedly this is a democracy, implying you do have a say. Furthermore, you choose to pay your taxes. You choose to go to work. You choose to buy commodities. You choose to participate in society. You choose to obey. You can stop. Yes, at great personal cost, but you can stop.
You aren't actually powerless.
You have decided that the personal costs are too great to act, and the way you're talking to me makes me certain you are guilty.
We all are complicit and we all have to reconcile with this. Running from your complicity by personally attacking me for giving voice to your own guilt won't change that.
You and your manufactured guilt can kick rocks.
But you're right. I'll quit my job tomorrow, eventually lose my home, be homeless, and probably eventually die of starvation or some disease by living in the streets. That'll show'em.
This whole fucking platform is so ridiculously left wing. Fortunately I don't have to interact with your delusional takes in reality. You barely exist.
If this wasn't bothering you then you wouldn't have ever commented in the first place. You need to tell us how unbothered you are, because it's eating you alive. You also need to put me down so you can feel better about your own guilt, because you know I'm right.
Everything is a choice. I won't let you forget.
"whenever a person comments on anything, obviously it's bothering them."
This is a public forum. This is what you do. You read something, then comment on it. It doesn't mean you're bothered by it. Jesus tap dancing christ. Are you so desperate to "win" the conversation that you'll resort to just making stuff up?
You are powerless over me. My life is awesome and some sad person on the internet won't change that. I hope yours gets better. Stay safe out there.
You know how you can tell someone's life is awesome?
They'll waste time on an underwater basket weaving forum telling people about it, and insulting anyone who says otherwise.